Robert's Tour Guide on CS327's Works!
Welcome to Robert Yang's Tour Guide. At our first stop, an absolutely
stunning set of particle systems synthesized by Shannon.
Stop 1
In particular, every particle system is creative, original, and very
pleasing to the eye. More specifically, I personally love "grow" and
"shapes". They aren't overly complex that it becomes chaotic, but are
perfectly synthesized in that it really is pleasing to watch the branches
grow or the creation of a wavelike shape with the arrow keys.
Stop 2
The particle systems in Robert's gallery are also all very well-designed, but
that fire particle system really is outstanding. When you click the wander
button, its the small effects in the fire that make the piece of work really
shine. The subtle rainbow color change combined with the rows lines/ pixels
that make a very aesthetically pleasing experience.
Stop 3
Another amazing particle system by Xiuyi. I really do love these particle
systems. But the Chimney one just looks so clean. It is an extension of the
candle.js from class, but the slight curvature, alongside the reappearing of
the smoke makes it looks very aesthetically pleasing. The steering
particle system is also just a perfect theme for the implementation of
thrust force that we learned.
Stop 4
This amazing chatbot from Defne really pops out to the user. The
incorporation of a gif in the background, alongside great color usage for
the actual (dark green and black are used frequently as table colors for
cards) really create a coherent theme of cards. I love the usage of images,
and the thematic of a fortune teller. Overall, great theme and usage of
images to bolster the interaction of the chatbot.
Stop 5
I'm going to give a shoutout to a link page. Dilan's A1 page is so visually
stunning even as a HUB for links. The avatar at the top, the cleanliness of
the layout of the page, the subtle color differences to contrast with the
dark background is effective. The page is simple, but draws the user in so
feasibly. And to this extent, there is no way that this would be the only
page from Dilan that we stop at.
Stop 6
His animated gifs page truly is spectacular. The subtle movements of gifs
such as the self-portrait make it so intriguing to look at. It seems
slightly difficult to implement the subtle movement of that many edges. The
rainy day and sick beat both are well-designed and visually appealing. Great
use of color and color contrast in every one of his gifs. The ideas of each
gif are just so creative - blinking, a beat, etc.
Stop 7
The drawing tool really is well defined by Fariz. I love, firstly, that the
erase button is a soap icon that actually has a fun popping sound when
clicked. Furthermore, I love that bubbles and the first brush, with bouncing
circles. The brushes are all creative, and model after some entity (such as
bubbles, flames, flowers, etc.)
Stop 8
Steven's rotating squares are extremely appealing. The color variation and trails utilized help make the gif pop out to the user more. But the
thing that makes the two gifs stand out so much is the fluidity in the transitions; the transitions in the gif are so seamless.
Stop 9
Alex Kang's chatbot utilizes text to speech effectively to help facilitate the delivery of his chatbot's message. Furthermore, more than anything
else, it's a creative and fun idea. I personally love trivia chatbots, and having one for geography is truly an exciting idea!
Stop 10
Isaac Kim's particle systems is mesmerizing. His fireworks and spiral particle systems in particular resonate with me! The fireworks are
put together to perfection, having changes of colors and reappearances. The spiral particle system also really emulates a spiral motion with
the human eye even though the system itself is in 2d.